ZODIAC Incentive Software Walk Through with Dorothy Millard (C64 Version) GET FEATHER, W, W (mountain path), TICKLE GIANT (with feather and he runs away), DROP FEATHER, E, GET WELLIES, E, S, IN (Fletchers Arms), D (cellar), GET KEY, U, E, N, E (forest trail), GET NET (fishing), S (cottage), UNLOCK CHEST (with the key), OPEN CHEST (reveals a staircase leading down), DROP KEY, D (marshland), S, S (pond), GET FISH (in the net), N, GET MEAT, N, E (muddy field), GET FLUTE, W, U, N, W, W, N (edge of canyon), DROP FISH, DROP NET, PLY FLUTE (a crystal bridge leading Northward appears), DROP FLUTE. N, E, E (small cave), GIVE MEAT TO PANTHER (he eats it and runs away), E, E, S (barn), GET RAM, N, N, N (to kitchen), GET GOAT, S, S, E, S (pig sty), GET MONGOOSE, N, N, E, E (field), GET BULL, W, S, W, W, W, W, W, W, S (edge of canyon), DROP RAM, DROP BULL, DROP GOAT, S, E, E, S, D, S, E (fen where the snake is), EXAMINE SNAKE (a large one), EXAMINE MONGOOSE (a renowned reptile killer), KILL SNAKE WITH MONGOOSE, E, GET PARACHUTE, GET CHAIR, W, W, N, U, DROP WELLIES, N, W, S, S (car park), GET ARMBANDS, N, N, W, N, N, E, S, W (small wood), GET CROWBAR, E, N, W, S, S. W, S (edge of cliff), JUMP (using the parachute), W (pebble beach), MOVE ROCK (with the crowbar), GET CRAB, DROP CROWBAR, N (to lagoon - must be carrying armbands) GET GEAR (climbing), S, DROP ARMBANDS, E, S, E (stone path), GET GUN, E (machine), SHOOT TERRORIST WITH GUN, DROP GUN, E, GET WHIP, W, N, E (lion's cage), TAME LION (using the chair and whip), GET TAME (lion), DROP CHAIR, DROP WHIP, W, GET HAIR (dryer), S, S (gipsy camp - as you enter you are given an antidote that will cure poisonous bites), N, W, W, N (bottom of cliff), U (using the climbing gear), N, E, N (edge of canyon), DROP GEAR, DROP TAME (lion), DROP CRAB. N, N (to desert plain where you are bitten by the scorpion - good job you have the antidote!), GET DEAD (scorpion), S, E, S, S, E (convent), GET NUN (Virgo - virgin!), W, N, D, W, S, DROP DEAD (scorpion), DROP NUN, N, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, S (muddy path where the mud monster is), ATTACK MONSTER WITH HAIRDRYER (it flakes apart and becomes part of the muddy track), DROP HAIRDRYER, S (hospital entrance), GET JACKET (white), W, GET BOW, S (into lift), 1, E (maternity ward), GET BABIES, W (into lift), 2, E (equipment room), GET SCALES, W (into lift), 3, E (roof), JUMP (using the parachute to hospital entrance), DROP JACKET. N, N, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, S, S, E, S, IN (Fletchers Arms), GIVE BOW TO INNKEEPER (he becomes an archer), GET ARCHER, DROP BOW, E, N, W, N (edge of canyon), GET NUN, GET GOAT, GET FISH, GET RAM, GET GEAR, JUMP (to outside tent - do not enter yet), DROP NUN, DROP SCALES, DROP ARCHER, DROP GOAT, U, GET BULL, GET CRAB, GET DEAD (scorpion), GET TAME (lion), D, DROP GEAR, DROP PARACHUTE, GET NUN, GET SCALES, GET ARCHER, GET GOAT, GET CAMEL, INVENTORY (you should have the 12 signs of the Zodiac), IN (tent). As you have tamed Leo the lion you order him to kill Ramus.With one swipe of his paw he cleaves the skull of Ramus and your people rejoice at their freedom.Well done adventurer you have completed your task with 100%. ***************************************************** Displayed on the Classic Adventures Solution Archive: http://solutionarchive.com