The Realm (Willysoft/The Cult)
Look below to solve Willysoft's fairy tale epic.............
Here's the solution.
From the start playing as a male (purely because it's easier to complete the game that way) N, NE, E, S, E, KISS MAIDEN, (in a rush of passion she'll place a mirror at your feet) GET MIRROR, E, SEARCH, (you find a snake) GET SNAKE, (the game will not always allow you to pick up the snake, keep typing `GET SNAKE' until you succesfully pick it up) W, W, N, NE, NE, (you are standing before a murky green pool) IN, GET DUCK, (the duck escapes but lays an egg in amongst all the excitement) GET EGG, N, N, NW, (every time you enter this particular location `The Bower' you are chased away by a `beligernet knight', he'll chase you to one of three random locations so you'll need to enter the location repeatedly until he chases you where you weant to go, on this occasion wait until he chases you to `The Shack') IN, GIVE EGG, (to the weaver, he'll give you a bag in return allowing you to carry more objects at once) DROP MIRROR, GET BAG, GET MIRROR, OUT, W, (keep been chased away until your chased into the `Realm's Edge' location) S, SEARCH, (you find a frog) GET FROG, N, NW, (wait until your chased into `The Pine Woods' location) SW, NW, SEARCH, (you find a nest) EXAM NEST, (you find a feather) GET FEATHER, SE, SW, S, NE, SE, GET BONE, NE, N, SW, GET TOADSTOOL, D, W, IN, SEARCH, (you see a narrow ledge, high up in the cave so cast the `leggy leaping' spell) HABU ASHI, (your now on the ledge where you see a large boulder) PUSH BOULDER, (repeatedly until it falls and crushes the troll, recast) HABU ASHI, (to get back down) GET GLOW-WORM, OUT, E, S, SW, NW, S, S, E, NE, NE, N, NW, (back at `The Bower' again, wait until you are chased into `The Pine Woods' location) SW, W, IN, EXAM WEB, (it is made of countless gossamer threads) GET GOSSAMER, (a huge spider gets ready to attack, so cast the `Blinding Bedazzlement' spell to get rid of it) HABU BROG, GET SKULL, OUT, E, SW, GIVE BONE, (to the monk, he'll give you a cloak in return) WEAR CLOAK, NE, NE, E, (it's `The Bower' once again, wait until your chased into the `Realms Edge' location) E, S, S, E, S, N, IN, GET BALL, OUT, S, S, E, NE, SEARCH, (you find a small barred window in the rock face, so cast the `Narrow Squeezing' spell to climb in through the bars) HABU SETH, (you're in a cell) E, (a goblin prepares to attack you, so you'll need to cast the spell of invisibility to move around the tower safely) IBAT SETH, U, U, GET BOW, D, N, U, U, OPEN CHEST, (you find a page, a boot, a tooth and an arrow) GET PAGE, GET TOOTH, GET ARROW, D, (at this point you'll be arrested by a goblin and thrown back into the cell, cast the `Narrow Squeezing' spell to escape) HABU SETH, SW, W, N, N, W, (in order to cast the final spell and complete the game you'll need the golden chalice, which is in `The Bower' so cast the spell of `Illusion of Dithery Spooking' in order to scare off the beligerent knight) IBAT VROC, NW, (the knight leaves the bower) GET CHALICE, SE, S, SW, SW, W, SW, IN, GET CARROT, OUT, READ PAGE, (you are given details of `The Spell of Absolute Authority' - now cast the 'Looking Spell') IBAT FRUM, (you have a vision of stones hanging upside down with the words `LOHT UBAH' written on them - a cryptic message telling you to cast the afore mentioned spell in the ring of stones, simply reverse the phrase written on the stones to cast the spell), NE, E, NE, NE, N, NW, W, SW, SW, S, NE, (the wizard greets you and asks you to hand him the chalice, he's evil, so use the bow and arrow to) SHOOT WIZARD, SE, NE, N, SW, (you're now in the stone circle so cast `The Spell of Absolute Authority') HABU THOL to complete the game ...........
Typed (and solved) by Ian (
Originally displayed within the `Spectrum Adventurer' web pages at:-