THE INCREDIBLE HULK (Scott Adams) Commodore 64 solution --------------------------------- (You are tied to a chair) BITE LIP (you become the Hulk and break your ropes), LOOK, GET GEM, GET FAN, E, PRESS BUTTON (to avoid dying), BITE LIP (Hulk again), GO TUNNEL, GET GEM, LIFT DOME (you find a gem), GET GEM, DIG HOLE, GO HOLE, DIG (until you find a gem), GET GEM, U, E, DROP GEM, DROP GEM, DROP GEM, DROP GEM, S (till you reach 'Chief Examiners Office'), EXAMINE DESK, GET GEM, GO DOOR, DROP GEM, S (until you reach the field where there is a gem but no tiny holes), GET GEM, DIG HOLE, GO HOLE, DIG (until you uncover another gem), GET GEM, U, LIFT DOME (yet another gem), GET GEM, EXAMINE DOME (you see a mesh), WAVE FAN, AT MESH (you blow the bees inside away), GO DOME, W, GET WAX, E, BITE LIP, GO TUNNEL, E, DROP GEM, DROP GEM, DROP GEM, S (until you reach the field with the ants' holes), GET GEM, E, DROP GEM, S (until you reach the ants), DIG HOLE, GO HOLE, DIG (gem hunt!), GET GEM, U, E, DROP GEM, S (until you reach the ants), LIFT DOME, E, S (until you reach the ants), GET GEM, GO DOME, DROP FAN, GET GEM, W, GET GEM, BITE LIP (until you see Dr. Strange), BITE LIP (until he points at the baseboard), EXAMINE BASEBOARD, PLUG OUTLET, USE WAX, BITE LIP, ASK STRANGE (until he tells you to remember your worst nightmare), ASK STRANGE (until he leaves, dropping a gem), GET GEM, GET WAX, E, BITE LIP, GO TUNNEL, E, DROP GEM, DROP GEM, DROP GEM, DROP GEM, REMEMBER NIGHTMARE (you become incredibly strong), S (until you reach the field without mesh on the dome and without ants), GO DOME, W, PULL RING, E, BITE LIP, GO TUNNEL, E (to 'Fuzzy Area'), REMEMBER NIGHTMARE, N (you stand in an underground room), EAT EGG (before it explodes!), REMEMBER NIGHTMARE, EXAMINE WALL (you notice some scratches), REMEMBER NIGHTMARE, SCRATCH WALL (it cracks open), GO CRACK, EXAMINE CAGE (you see Ant-Man), GET GEM, GO CRACK, GO HOLE (which you made by pulling the ring), E, BITE LIP, GO TUNNEL, E, DROP GEM, PLUG EARS, USE WAX, HOLD NOSE, S (until you reach the ants), WAIT, CLOSE EYES (the ants attack you but pose no threat), GET ANTS, E, N, GO CRACK (Ant-Man guide the ants to release him. He gives you a gem), OPEN EYES, GET GEM, GO CRACK, GO HOLE, E, BITE LIP, GO TUNNEL, E, DROP GEM, N, GET GEM, GO HOLE, E, BITE LIP, GO TUNNEL, E, DROP BIOGEM, SCORE (Chief Examiner gives you the password ARIA. You have completed the game!) Jacob Gunness - fall 1988. Minor fixes by Ville Nurmi on 2005-05-27.