THE ARGON FACTOR Written by Tony Rome Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version) Scenario Your objective is to recover videotape to prove your innocence. Walk Through PART I (Start in your spaceship), EXAMINE SHIP (you see a large viewing screen, computer and a button), ASK COMPUTER (you enter the black hole and emerge by a strange planet), E (you land on the planet Argon), OPEN LOCKER, GET PISTOL (web pistol), EXAMINE PISTOL, SEARCH LOCKER, GET CRYSTAL, EXAMINE CRYSTAL (it emits a powerful light), PUSH BUTTON (the escape hatch below opens and a ladder slides down), D (beneath your ship). E (high plateau), D (you are in a hole), S (dark tunnel - some rocks fall and block your retreat), W (large cave), SEARCH CAVE, GET GEIGER (counter - the ray flashes then fades), S (ventilation shaft - you lose your grip and finish up in a laboratory), EXAMINE LABORATORY (hidden in an alcove is a disk), GET DISK, EXAMINE DISK, S (chamber), OPEN CASE (a huge mutated fly is released), EXAMINE CASE, GET GLOVE, EXAMINE GLOVE, N, E (conservatory), WEAR GLOVE, GET STONE, W, S, E (refrigerated storeroom), PUT STONE IN FREEZER (it fuses with the ice and frees the canisters), GET CANISTER, EXAMINE CANISTER (a spray can), W, W, S (guard's quarters), WATCH HOLOGRAM (movie), REMOVE SPACESUIT, GET UNIFORM, EXAMINE UNIFORM, WEAR UNIFORM, SEARCH UNIFORM (a red counter falls out), DROP CRYSTAL, GET COUNTER, EXAMINE COUNTER (marked "PASS NO. 23907”), N, D (must be wearing the guard's uniform), E (tunnel), E (a computerised voice says "Show pass and enter combination"), SHOW PASS, 23907 (the door slides open). E (nuclear waste compound - the door closes behind you), S, E, EXAMINE DOCUMENTS, E, S (you are confronted by a giant mutated fly), FIRE PISTOL (a huge web opens up and covers the fly), DROP PISTOL, W (passage), DROP GEIGER (counter), GET BERRIES, EAT BERRIES (this stops you feeling hungry), S (large hall), EXAMINE RELICS (amongst them is a Space Invaders machine still in working order - don't play it though), SEARCH MACHINE (on top is a coin), GET COIN, EXAMINE COIN (an old penny), W, EXAMINE BOOKS (one holds your attention but you can't read the title). W (you travel across an underground lake and find yourself in an underground complex simulating the prehistoric era), N (a large spider blocks the way), SPRAY SPIDER (it is temporarily stunned), N (cavern), E (Valdera's novelty room), READ NOTE, W, N (into Valdera's waxworks), EXAMINE CHAIR (on it is Valdera's pet snake and beneath it is a blue card), EXAMINE FIGURES, EXAMINE PIPER (pied - holding a pipe, not made of wax and is mechanically operated), PUT COIN IN HAND (it drops into a hole in his hand... he plays and charms the snake), GET CARD, EXAMINE CARD (circular and marked "BC/AD"), S (cavern), INSERT CARD IN SLOT (the panel opens), W (a metal detecting field prevents you), DROP COUNTER, DROP CANISTER, W (red chamber), EXAMINE SYSTEM (computer - there is a cable leading to a plug on the wall... next to the plug is a lever), PULL LEVER (the system lights up), INSERT DISK (Well done! Part 1 negotiated). PART 2 “Valdera's obsession with history is now a reality, he has constructed a module that will travel through time… he threatens to transport me back to some forgotten century… by now I could be anywhere… please find me!” Anikra. 2155 (First time) (The vibration of the disk drive causes something to fall onto the carpet), EXAMINE CARPET (you see a ball), GET BALL (it lights up and activates part of the north wall revealing a gantry), EXAMINE BALL (it has eight panels), N (you are on a small gantry), W (recreation area), PLAY CHESS (your opponent is the Planet Champion... keep playing if necessary until you find a brilliant combination and your opponent resigns giving you a gold centon), EXAMINE CENTON, W (ante-room), EXAMINE EQUIPMENT (find a length of cable), GET CABLE, EXAMINE CABLE (long and fluorescent), BRIBE GUARD (with the gold centon... he slips a microchip into your hand), EXAMINE MICROCHIP, E, E, N (into the Asteron time warp module, INSERT BALL IN HOLE (the Asteron is activated... enter desired year from the menu on the screen), READ MENU. 1174 AD 1174, GET BALL (the hatch opens), S (Town, E (Square, EXAMINE URN (filled with water), EXAMINE BEGGAR (he is crippled and cannot move easily... he carries an empty bowl), TILT URN (the water fills the beggar’s bowl... he drinks and whispers "R.T."), W, N (into the Asteron, INSERT BALL IN HOLE. 1594 AD 1594, GET BALL, S (you are outside a cottage), W (into the cottage, READ WRITING (on a manuscript dated 23rd April are the letters T.O.), E, N (into the Asteron, INSERT BALL IN HOLE. 1866 AD 1866, GET BALL, S (outside a wooden hut, S (there's an explosion and the hut door flies open... a happy man staggers out), EXAMINE FIRE (a stuffed pig roasts on a spit), EAT PIG (this stops you becoming weak from hunger), N (into the Asteron, INSERT BALL IN HOLE. 776 BC 776, GET BALL, S (open arena, S (you are by a Great Statue of a Greek god), EXAMINE STATUE (it has one arm missing), EXAMINE ARM (scratched on the arm are the letters S.O.), N, N (into the Asteron, INSERT BALL IN HOLE. 1945 AD 1945, GET BALL, S (city savaged by warfare, E (small shop, READ CALENDAR (May 7th), ASK WOMAN ABOUT CLOCKS, ASK WOMAN ABOUT CHINA, EXAMINE FIGURINE (an inscription reads "W.F."), W, N (into the Asteron), INSERT BALL IN HOLE. 1758 AD 1758, GET BALL, S (you are on a mountain where a man holds a banner), READ BANNER (you see the letters L.A.R.), N (into the Asteron), INSERT BALL IN HOLE. 64 AD 64, GET BALL, S (you are at the entrance to a rocky cave), EXAMINE TREE (carved on it is W.E.), TIE CABLE TO TREE, S (catacombs, W, W (cavern, MOVE STONE (you uncover a trap door), OPEN TRAP door (you find Anikra who gives you a laser gun), FOLLOW CABLE (you retrace your steps back to the entrance), DROP CABLE, N (into the Asteron, INSERT BALL IN HOLE. 2155 AD (Second Time) 2155, GET BALL, S (back to the small gantry), E, E (planetary viewroom - a guard questions you), SHOOT GUARD, DROP GUN (laser), DROP BALL, D (reactor room), PULL ROD (a siren blares out "OVERLOAD - 15 MINTONS and counting"), S (astro room), REMOVE UNIFORM, GET SPACESUIT, WEAR SPACESUIT, W (tunnel), W, U (planet surface), N (beneath your ship), U (inside ship - Lap quickly repairs the circuitry... the computer takes over and you are soon travelling at warp speed.... the planet explodes). CONGRATULATIONS With Anikra and also the video tape proving your innocence, you head for Earth in the safe knowledge that you mission has been a total success. SCORE 100%